If you are a missionary . . .

If you are a missionary looking for a dependable home office, then you’ve found the right place! Our heart is to serve mission workers who are on the "frontlines" and give them the administrative help they need to be successful.

Missionary Agency will provide you with many vital services: processing donations that come in through our online system or by mail (our online system can process cards from any country, any currency); depositing funds twice per month into your Bank account (and providing a Donor Report that shows who gave); sending automatic receipts to all donors worldwide (plus, USA donors receive a tax-deductible receipt); your own customizable Donation Page with social media links (your supporters will be able to easily share your Donation Page with their friends by clicking on the Social Media links -- sample
www.WorldOutreach.org/617); providing donor login accounts where your supporters can manage their information; list maintenance to keep your info updated; setting-up automatic monthly gifts; Training Videos; and a 24/7 login-system that allows you to access your WOM account with a password. With our system, you will be able to login to your WOM account, see incoming donations, update your list, generate reports, build Excel files, print mailing labels, and much more! Providing a dependable missionary office, missionary assistance, and missionary help is what we do.

World Outreach Ministries, Inc. was founded over 46 years ago in 1979. WOM is an affiliation of interdenominational missionaries and humanitarian workers who need a home office. The missionaries we serve are from all types of backgrounds and are involved in a variety of outreaches: evangelism, discipleship, church planting, schools, leadership training, YWAM, medical clinics, aviation, translation work, children’s shelters, feeding programs,

water systems, agriculture, support roles, and more. God's kingdom has all types of workers.

We have a desire to assist leaders and reach the nations with the positive message of grace, faith, and victory through Jesus Christ. Our
Missionary Agency can be a powerful tool to help you fulfill God’s plan for your life.
Enjoy your tour!