Our focus is to help advance the Great Commission by serving missionaries and humanitarian workers with a dependable home office.

We assist these workers as their Home Office by providing many critical services that they need in order to succeed: processing donations that come in through our online system or by mail; depositing funds twice per month into the missionary’s bank account; providing a Deposit Report for every deposit; sending Tax-deductible receipts to their supporters; providing Donor Login accounts where their supporters can manage their giving information; setting-up and managing automatic monthly gifts; list maintenance to keep the missionary’s contact list updated; Training Videos; Missionary Care; and a 24/7 Login System that allows our missionaries to login at any time from anywhere in the world! With our system, they can login to their WOM account, track donations, spot new pledges; receive instant notifications every time a donor makes an online gift; generate reports, build Excel files as needed, and much more! Providing a missionary office, missionary assistance, and missionary help is what we do.

We also provide free
Study Guides,
Audio Studies,
Victory Videos, and a
Topical Memory System to help believers and leaders around the world grow in their walk with Christ.

Our focus is to help advance the Great Commission by serving missionaries and humanitarian workers with a dependable home office.

We assist these workers as their Home Office by providing many critical services that they need in order to succeed: processing donations that come in through our online system or by mail; depositing funds twice per month into the missionary’s bank account; providing a Deposit Report for every deposit; sending Tax-deductible receipts to their supporters; providing Donor Login accounts where their supporters can manage their giving information; setting-up and managing automatic monthly gifts; list maintenance to keep the missionary’s contact list updated; Training Videos; Missionary Care; and a 24/7 Login System that allows our missionaries to login at any time from anywhere in the world! With our system, they can login to their WOM account, track donations, spot new pledges; receive instant notifications every time a donor makes an online gift; generate reports, build Excel files as needed, and much more! Providing a missionary office, missionary assistance, and missionary help is what we do.

We also provide free
Study Guides,
Audio Studies,
Victory Videos, and a
Topical Memory System to help believers and leaders around the world grow in their walk with Christ.